# drone-rsync-ssh A Dockerfile for rsync+ssh deploys using [Drone](https://drone.io/). * In Drone, add repository secrets for `ssh_private_key` and `ssh_host_key` * In your `.drone.yml`, run `drone-ssh-keys` to inject SSH secrets into `~/.ssh` ## Sample .drone.yml Here's a sample `.drone.yml` that injects the SSH keys, rsyncs files to a host, then triggers a command on the host. pipeline: deploy: image: images.abackstrom.com/rsync-ssh secrets: [ ssh_private_key, ssh_host_key ] commands: - drone-ssh-keys - rsync -Chrz -e ssh ./public user@host:/var/www/html - ssh user@host 'sudo systemctl reload nginx' ## Building the image make image IMAGE_NAME=your_name_here