properties = []; $in_frontmatter = true; $node = null; //current node $last_node = null; //updated every time $previous_node = null; // we only update this for significant nodes $walker = $this->document->walker(); while ($event = $walker->next()) { $entering = $event->isEntering(); $last_node = $node; $node = $event->getNode(); // treat empty node as a newline if ($node instanceof ListItem && $last_node === $node && !$entering) { $gemtext[] = ''; continue; } if (!$entering) { continue; } if ($node instanceof ListBlock) { $in_frontmatter = false; continue; } if ($node instanceof Text) { $text = $node->getLiteral(); if ($in_frontmatter) { if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z-]+):: (.*)/', $text, $matches)) { $this->properties[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; continue; } else { $in_frontmatter = false; } } $leader = $previous_node ? "\n" : ""; $gemtext[] = $leader . $text; $previous_node = $node; continue; } if ($node instanceof Link) { $label = $walker->next()->getNode(); if (!$label instanceof Text) { throw new \Exception('Expected next node in Link to be Text, got ' . get_class($label)); } $leader = ($previous_node && !$previous_node instanceof Link) ? "\n" : ""; $gemtext[] = $leader . sprintf("=> %s %s", $node->getUrl(), $label->getLiteral()); $previous_node = $node; continue; } } return implode("\n", $gemtext); } public function getProperties(): array { if (is_null($this->properties)) { throw new \Exception("Cannot get properties before converting a document"); } return $this->properties; } public function isPublished(): bool { return (($this->getProperties()['status'] ?? '') === 'published'); } }